Best Natural Treatment For Acne And Acne Scars

Aloe Vera Gel For Acne - By jdong
Using natural treatment for acne is defiantly a acne solution that many sufferers are now turning to to try and heal there skin. I started using natural acne treatments a few years back now, turning my back on most chemical filled man made acne treatments as they were either effective for a short period of time or just made my skin look much worse from the start.

If you are ready to look at using natural acne treatments for acne or natural acne treatments for acne scars  then keep reading. Below is a list of the top 8 all natural acne treatments that worked for me and I'm sure you will also find something that will help you with your pimples. 

Top 8 Natural Treatments For Acne And Acne Scars

 1. Aloe Vera Gel

This has to be my favourite natural treatment for acne EVER! The gel from the aloe vera plant is especially good at speeding up the healing process of acne scars and keeping the skin hydrated. 

Other benefits of aloe vera gel for acne include:
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Antiviral
2. Tea Tree Oil

There has been a clinical study that showed that tea tree oil was almost as effective in treating acne than benzoyl peroxide, with the tea tree oil having less side effects also. 

Other benefits of tea tree oil for acne include:
  • Anti-viral
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Antiseptic
3. Coconut Oil

 I have been using a lot of coconut oil recently and it is really helping me keep my skin in tip top condition. The coconut oil has two of the most potent antimicrobial agents found in food, capric acid and lauric acid. These are two of the acids found in mothers milk that helps to protect the baby from infection.When applied to the skin microbes convert these into Monocaprin and Monolaurin, creating a new acid layer on the skin, no microbial infection means no acne.

Other benefits of coconut oil for acne include:
  • Vitamin E
  • Antiviral
  • Antifungal
  • Antibacterial
  • Good Fats
4. French Green Clay 

The french green clay is very beneficial for anyone who suffers from acne, especially blackheads. The clay has a pulling effect when applied on the skin which pulls impurities deep from within the pores, leaving them clean and clear. I had amazing results after the first use of green clay. After using it my skin looked fresh with a nice glow.

Other benefits of green clay for acne include:
  • Analgesic
  • Anti-inflammatory
5. Herbal Tea 

Drinking 3-4 cups of herbal tea per day will help internal problems that contruibute to the cuase of acne. The two herbal teas that I drink regulary that have helped me are nettle tea and cammomile tea.

Other benefits of herbal tea for acne include:
  •  Rich In Antioxidants
  • Anti-Inflamtory
6. Vitamins Supplents

There are many vitamin supplents that can be taken to help promote healthy skin, and while most can be obtained from fresh fruit and vegtables to cobat acne a higher dosage is sometime needed.

Some of the more common vitamins for acne include:
  • Vitamin A
  • B Vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
7.  Manuka Honey: If you suffer from acne scars manuka honey will be extrenly beenfical for you. It will help to speed up the healing procses of the scars and keep the skin well moistuized.

Other Benfits of manuka honey for acne include: 
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Antiviral
  • Antispetic
  • Antioxdiant
8. Essential Oils

Although many people would cringe at the thought of applying oil onto there skin, using essential oil can actually be very beenficial for acne. The reason for this is becuase it can help kill bacteria, preserve the acid mantle and also have many other benfical properties that help to clear acne.

Some of the most coomon essential oils for acne include:
  • Rosewood oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Lavander oil
  • Tea Tree oil
  • Clove oil
  • Bergamot oil
The Best Natural Acne Treatment That Cleared My Acne!

The best treatment that helped me get rid of my horific 5 year sentnece with acne was Acne No More, the only clincically proven holosiitc acne system in the world. The system is a step by step guide using natural treatments for acne, and using holisitc approaches that over time will heal acne from the inside out.

If you want a long term solition to acne, but will take a lot of deducation, commitment, hard work and time, then I can 100% reccoemd Acne No More to you.If you are llooking for something that will work fast, doesnt requite any commeimtent or deducation then this is not for you.