Read this NOW for tips on how to prevent acne breakouts and NEVER get acne EVER. These tips are top secret and you will be the only person who knows about them. If you use the share button or like this post it will disappear FOREVER!
If you believe that paragraph then you need to up your defences as there are many scam acne sites online who will do anything and tell you anything to get money from you. Sorry if you are annoyed with me for doing that but I recently had a friend who got scammed by someone promising everything but his product delivered nothing.
Anyway back to the main purpose of this post. Below is a list of tips on how to prevent acne breakouts using methods that I have used. Will you never get acne again of you follow all of the tips, of course you will, but the chances of breakouts will be significantly reduced and existing acne will also be improved.
10 Tips To Prevent Acne Breakouts
Tip 1 - How To Wash Your Face To Prevent Acne?
If you are not washing your face correctly you could be causing acne breakouts and aggravating existing acne. The best practice when it comes to cleansing the facial area is to lightly massage the product of your choice over the skin for 10-20 seconds, wash off with lukewarm water, never hot as this can burn the skin, then using a clean towel pat the face dry.
Tip 2 - Drink 6-8 Cups Of Water Per Day
I cannot say this enough drinking 6-8 cups of water per day minimum will massively help to prevent acne breakouts. When drinking a good amount of water per day it helps to flush toxins from the system and keep the skin hydrated.
Tip 3 - Get Rid Of Stress
OK completely reducing stress may not be possible, but by reducing stress you are much less likely to get an acne breakout. When your stressed it puts the body out of balance including the hormones. My best tip to reduce stress is to practise activities such as yoga and meditation.
Tip 4 - Stop Touching Your Face
The hands are prone to having a lot of bacteria on them as they are used to touch things that are ridden with bacteria, touching the face throughout the day can transfer the bacteria onto the face leaving room for acne to develop fast.
Tip 5 - Get Active
Getting active does not have to mean joining the gym, in-fact the best exercise for someone looking to prevent acne breakouts are running, jogging, cycling etc. The reason these are so effective is because they increase circulation, stress and oxygenate the skin cells. Exercise is often overlooked by many but it is one of the most effective way to prevent acne breakouts and help heal existing acne.
Tip 6 - Change Your Pillow Case Daily
Every night any oil, dirt, bacteria and other impurities from your hair and face are transferred onto the pillow, the next night if you have not changed the pillow case this gets onto the skin and into the pores which can lead to acne. If you cannot change the pillow case daily what I do is put a clean towel over the pillow instead.
Tip 7 - Eat A Balanced Healthy Diet
Eating healthy clean food will help to provide the body with the essential minerals, vitamins and healthy fats that it needs to prosper. Some good acne foods include all greens, berries, avocados and most other fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Tip 8 - Keep The Hair Off The Face
Most people these day apply many products onto the hair which can block the pores if it sits on the skin leading to breakouts, to avoid this try and keep the hair off the face.
Tip 9 - Don't Go To Bed With Make-Up On
One of the best ways to get acne if you are interested is leaving make-up on overnight. I know it can be difficult when your tired and you just want to get into bed, but making that extra effort to remove make-up could be the difference of having a pimple the next day and not. There are many make-up cleansing clothes available these days that are acne friendly which can be used to remove acne in less than 5 minutes, I haven't used any myself but one that I know works good is Neutrogena make-up removal wipes.
Tip 10 - Stop Worrying About Acne
Worrying about acne will not benefit you in any way. When I stopped worrying about acne and getting acne my skin started to improve. I do not put all of the improvements to just not thinking about acne but I do believe it massively helped. Try it and you may be surprised by the results.
Hope these tips have been helpful for you, if you have more tips to add please leave a comment below with what you do to help prevent acne breakouts.